+Value Senior partner specialized in the Tax area, with emphasis on Transfer Pricing. Both her private activity as partner in a prestigious international auditing firm, as well as her experience at the Peruvian Tax Administration (SUNAT), where she was Superintendent during 2011-2015, have established Dr. Quispe as one of the most recognized specialists on this important matter.
Superintendent of the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) during 2011-2015. During her management, the Transfer Pricing Area was created, training the team through an agreement signed with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD. She has participated as an observer in the Transfer Pricing Working Group organized by the OECD and as a speaker, in international events organized by the same entity.
Miembro del Consejo Directivo del Centro Interamericano de Administraciones Tributarias – CIAT (2012-2015) y presidió la entidad en el año 2015.
Directora Ejecutiva por Chile y Perú ante el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), con sede en Washington, D.C. (2015 – 2016). Socia de Precios de Transferencia en Deloitte & Touche, en la que laboró por más de 10 años, realizando consultorías, Planeamiento Tributario y estudios sobre esta materia (2001-2011). Además, fue Socia encargada del Departamento de Asesoría Financiera, ofreciendo consultoría estratégica y financiera a todas las industrias.
Expositora en eventos nacionales e internacionales, incluyendo eventos organizados por la Organización Mundial de Aduanas – OMA y el Centro Interamericano de Administraciones Tributarias -CIAT.
Postgraduate professor in Tax, Economics and Finance matters at the most prestigious national universities.